Breather solutions of Sine-Gordon Using Finite Differences. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 11 months ago. Active 3 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 230 times 1 $\begingroup$ I'm attempting


Jan 31, 2007 In this seminar, we will introduce the Sine-Gordon equation, and solve it Figure 2: This image shows an imperfect moving breather. 19 

The Sine-Gordon breathers on spatially periodic potentials Angel Sanchez,* Rainer Scharf, Alan R. Bishop, and Luis Vazquez* Theoretical Division and Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 OSTI.GOV Journal Article: Sine-Gordon breathers on spatially periodic potentials Physica D 189 (2004) 167–187 Evolution of two-dimensional standing and travelling breather solutions for the Sine–Gordon equation A.A. Minzonia, Noel F. Smythb,∗, Annette L. Worthyc We consider radial sine-Gordon kinks in two, three, and higher dimensions. A full two-dimensional simulation showing that azimuthal perturbations remain small allows us to reduce the problem to the one-dimensional radial sine-Gordon equation. We solve this equation on an interval [r 0,r 1] and absorb all outgoing radiation. As the kink shrinks TY - JOUR AU - Denzler, Jochen TI - Second order nonpersistence of the sine Gordon breather under an exceptional perturbation JO - Annales de l'I.H.P. Analyse non linéaire PY - 1995 PB - Gauthier-Villars VL - 12 IS - 2 SP - 201 EP - 239 LA - eng KW - number theoretic techniques; sine Gordon equation; breather; first order perturbation theory In this note we prove that the sine-Gordon breather is the only quasimonochromatic breather in the context of nonlinear wave equations in $$\mathbb {R}^N$$ . OSTI.GOV Journal Article: Interaction between sine-Gordon breathers. Interaction between sine-Gordon breathers.

Sine gordon breather

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imposes but will not be preserved if centered at the lossy or at the gain side. breather (i.e., not a standing wave) and the conditions under which it can persist in a -symmetric medium. As our model of interest, we will explore the sine-Gordon equation in the presence of a -symmetric perturbation. Our main finding is that the breather of the sine-Gordon model will only persist at Sine-Gordon Breather Dynamics To cite this article: Alwyn C Scott 1979 Phys.

Sine-Gordon breather form factors and quantum eld equations H. Babujiany and M. Karowskiz Institut fur Theoretische Physik Freie Universit at Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany July 28, 2016 Abstract Using the results of previous investigations on sine-Gordon form factors exact expressions of all breather matrix elements are obtained

By means of direct simulations, it is found that the instability leads to a breakup of We consider radial sine-Gordon kinks in two, three, and higher dimensions. A full two-dimensional simulation showing that azimuthal perturbations remain small allows us to reduce the problem to the one-dimensional radial sine-Gordon equation. We solve this equation on an interval [r 0,r 1] and absorb all outgoing radiation. As the kink shrinks OSTI.GOV Journal Article: Interaction between sine-Gordon breathers.

Revisiting Salerno's sine-Gordon model of DNA : Active regions and robustness Discrete breathers in aperiodic diatomic FPU lattices with long range order.

We show that the breather can pass through the well and exit with a speed different, sometime larger, from the initial one. It can 2009-09-01 PHYSICAL REVIEW A VOLUME 45, NUMBER 8 15 APRIL 1992 Sine-Gordon breathers on spatially periodic potentials Angel Sanchez,* Rainer Scharf, Alan R. Bishop, and Luis Vazquez* Theoretical Division and Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 (Received 24 October 1991) We have carried out an extensive simulation program to study the behavior of sine 2007-01-15 Figure 1: a) Breather position for a well with L = 2, a = 0.2, v = = 0.1 and x0 = 29.92. b) Breather outgoing speed for a well with L = 10, a = 0.2, v = = 0.1. The gaps correspond to other types of scattering. c) A solution profile for L = 2, a = 0.8, v = = 0.3 and x0 = 15.5.

Related content Solitons in Condensed Matter Physics A R Bishop-Soliton-Like Spin Waves in 3 He B P W Kitchenside, P J Caudrey and R … breather in the →0 limit. Since a coordinate rescaling modifies the coupling , we take the freedom to put 2 =1 in the following. Dropping all stars, one first builds 095201-3 The noncommutative sine-Gordon breather J. Math. Phys. 50, 095201 2009 Propagation of a sine-Gordon breather on a graph. For more details on the scheme, please, refer to: 1622 Breather-like structures in modified sine-Gordon models L A Ferreira1 and Wojtek J Zakrzewski 2 1 Instituto de Física de S ão Carlos, IFSC/USP, Universidade de S o Paulo, Caixa Postal 369, CEP 13560-970, São Carlos-SP, Brazil 2 Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE, Breather and soliton wave families for the sine-Gordon equation generation functions, we obtain the general form for the first two functions belonging to the sequence corresponding to the transformation (2.6).
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[2] Una condición necesaria para la existencia en el segundo caso (redes discretas no lineales), es que la frecuencia principal del breather y sus armónicos se encuentren fuera del espectro de frecuencias de los fonones de la red, esto es, las frecuencias del breather y de la red deben ser Thermodynamics of the Boltzmann gas consisting of solitons, antisolitons, and breathers of the classical sine-Gordon system is studied by taking their interactions into account.

A uniqueness result for the Sine-Gordon breather Rainer Mandel Submitted on 2021-02-02, updated on 2021-02-23. Subjects: In this note we prove that the sine-Gordon breather is the only quasimonochromatic breather in the context of nonlinear wave equations in .

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Noise induced breather generation in a sine–Gordon chain

OSTI.GOV Journal Article: Sine-Gordon breathers on spatially periodic potentials Physica D 189 (2004) 167–187 Evolution of two-dimensional standing and travelling breather solutions for the Sine–Gordon equation A.A. Minzonia, Noel F. Smythb,∗, Annette L. Worthyc a FENOMEC, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, I.I.M.A.S., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apdo. 20-726, 01000 Mexico D.F., Mexico Nonlinearity 13 (2000) 1657–1680.

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Sine-Gordon breather form factors and quantum eld equations H. Babujiany and M. Karowskiz Institut f¨ur Theoretische Physik Freie Universit¨at Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany April 12, 2002 Abstract Using the results of previous investigations on sine-Gordon form factors exact

[Nucl. Phys.

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Caputo1 ,* and M. P. Soerensen2 † 1Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85719, USA 2Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs.Lyngby, Denmark (Received 18 March 2013; published 19 August 2013) This paper considers the damped, driven sine-Gordon equation with even, periodic boundary conditions on a finite length. Nearly integrable perturbation methods are applied to infer approximate solution branches of space- and time-periodic breather trains of order one amplitude. These approximate solutions consist of coherent spatial structures, either homogeneous or with one breather per The scattering of kinks and low-frequency breathers of the nonlinear sine-Gordon (SG) equation on a spatially localized parity-time-symmetric perturbation (defect) with a balanced gain and loss is investigated numerically.

2 Jun 2016 Sine-Gordon model, through the method of lattice regularization. We will see there are soliton, antisoliton and breather solutions.